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International Cooperation Department

Director: Sergiy Khudiyash

Tel.: +380 44 230 18 92
e-mail: [email protected]

Main Functions:
  • ensuring the implementation of measures related to European integration, development of cooperation with the EU in the financial area, interaction with EU institutions, and promotion of the NBU’s interests on the way to joining the EU
  • developing cooperation with international financial organizations, implementation of international projects and programs. Enhancing the international visibility of the National Bank of Ukraine through coordinating the process of acquiring membership in international organizations in key areas of central banking
  • developing a dialogue with central banks and authorities supervising financial institutions in foreign countries, ensuring the representation of the NBU’s interests and the NBU’s position in international relations of Ukraine
  • developing cooperation with international partners to enhance the NBU’s institutional capacity and share the NBU’s experience within its mandate
  • ensuring effective operation of the organizational and protocol-related support of international relations and managing linguistic assets.