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Licensing Nonbank Institutions

Licensing Nonbank Institutions

The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) issues licenses to non-bank financial market participants to regulate their operations, create an appropriate competitive environment in financial services markets, and provide conditions for protecting rights and interests of financial services consumers.


The NBU issues licenses for the following activities to market participants:

non-bank financial institutions:

  • insurance
  • credit union operations
  • finance company operations
  • pawnshop operations
  • foreign currency transactions
  • foreign currency transactions for trading in
     cash currency valuables

postal operators:

  • foreign currency transactions
  • foreign currency transactions for trading in cash currency valuables
  • financial payment services

legal persons other than financial institutions:

  • cash transactions.

The NBU registers/authorizes/certifies:

  • registers debt collector agencies
  • registers insurance and reinsurance brokers
  • authorizes entities eligible to conduct actuarial activities in the insurance sector and entities eligible to perform duties of a responsible actuary
  • certifies entities to execute provisional administration of non-bank financial institutions.

Search for nonbank institutions

Information on licenses issued by the National Bank to nonbanking institutions.

Ownership structures of non-banking institutions

Financial service providers, financial/limited payment service providers, collection companies and CIT-companies have to disclose information about their ownership structure. To disclose this information, financial service providers submit to the NBU ownership structure chart together with the information about their qualifying shareholders and final key participants in the ownership structure.