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Inspection Department

Director: Andrii Kazak

Tel.: +380 44 230 18 58
e-mail: [email protected]

Main Functions:
  • planning, organizing, and conducting effective supervision in the form of inspections of banks, standalone units, non-bank financial institutions, nonfinancial institutions authorized to provide individual financial services, collection agencies, other participants of non-bank financial services markets (save for customers, associations of financial services market participants other than self-regulatory organizations, and associations defined in Article 19 part two of the Law of Ukraine On Financial Services and Finance Companies),  payment service providers (save for government authorities and local self-governments), limited payment service providers, affiliates, and related parties of financial service providers, and other persons subject to NBU supervision, including members of bank and non-bank financial groups [save for supervision in the area of prevention and counteraction to legalization (laundering) of criminal  proceeds, terrorist financing, and financing of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction implementation and monitoring of effectiveness of international and Ukrainian special economic and other restrictive measures (sanctions) currency supervision the overseen entities’ compliance with Ukrainian laws that regulate the operation of payment systems, the use of payment schemes, transactions with payment instruments and e-money controlling compliance with legal requirements to information security, cyber security, and electronic trust services inspecting cash circulation, compliance with rules and procedure of collecting, receiving, storing, and processing cash].