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Open Market Operations Department

Acting Director: Oleksandr Arseniuk

Tel.: +380 44 230 18 09
e-mail: [email protected]

Main Functions:
  • conducting prompt analysis and forecasting, ensuring the process of monetary and FX market regulation, monitoring the internal and external financial markets and international reserves
  • conducting the NBU’s operations under standards instruments to regulate the banking system’s liquidity and making currency interventions
  • conducting the NBU’s interest rate swap transactions in the interbank market
  • managing Ukraine’s international (gold and FX) reserves and the NBU’s nonreserve assets in foreign currencies and monetary gold
  • providing the legal and methodological support, within the NBU’s mandate, for instruments (means and methods) to implement monetary policy, FX regulation, and operation of the stock market, FX supervision
  • performing operations on public debt servicing related to placement of government securities issued as domestic government bonds, whose depositary servicing of circulation and placement is conducted by the NBU
  • performing operations on purchase or sale of securities under the NBU regulations and administrative acts, or according to instructions of its customers.