Electronic remote identification of individuals using the NBU BankID System is done by transmitting personal data of such individual from the subscribed identifier (bank servicing the user’s account) to the subscribed service provider which provides the service to the user, and it is safe for users.
Only the user (personal data owner) can initiate transmission of these data from the subscribed identifier to the subscribed service provider. Therefore, nobody except you can initiate the process! Information is transmitted encrypted in line with the requirements of the Ukrainian law.
Furthermore, Internet channel for transmitting data is protected, all personal data is encrypted before transmission in line with Ukrainian data transmission security requirements (personal data protection). The encrypted data shall be accompanied by a qualified electronic signature of an assigned employee of the bank or a qualified electronic seal of the bank transmitting information through BankID. The data are encrypted only for transmission to one subscribed service provider requested singlehandedly by the user, thus only this subscribed service provider can decrypt the encrypted response containing data from subscribed identifier.