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Purchase prices and selling prices for bullion coins

Purchase prices and selling prices for bullion coins

As of 21.02.2025
Date Coin name Face value, UAH Metal/fineness Fine weight, g Purchase price,
UAH (does not include VAT)
Selling price,
The selling price of silver investment coins includes VAT. The selling price of gold investment coins does not include VAT
Design, year
21.02.2025 30th anniversary of Ukraine’s independence 1 silver/999.9 31.1 1 382.00 2 402.00 2021
21.02.2025 Archangel Michael 1 silver/999.9 31.1 1 382.00 2 402.00 2011
21.02.2025 Archangel Michael 2 gold/999.9 3.11 12 289.00 13 885.00 2011
21.02.2025 Archangel Michael 5 gold/999.9 7.78 30 724.00 33 791.00 2011
21.02.2025 Archangel Michael 10 gold/999.9 15.55 61 447.00 66 967.00 2011
21.02.2025 Archangel Michael 20 gold/999.9 31.1 122 895.00 132 705.00 2011

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