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Current Data on Banking System Liquidity and Factors Affecting Liquidity

Explanatory notes and disclosure schedule

UAH mln

  09.01 08.01 07.01 06.01 03.01
Banks’ correspondent accounts (as of the beginning of the day) 227 759 231 888 221 365 219 640 219 520
Day-to-day change -4 129 10 523 1 725 120 2 899
1.NBU monetary policy operations -1 316 16 442 787 -9 751 -519
1.1 Standing facilities 7 061 23 521 11 456 -9 576 7 197
1.1.1 O/N loans 0 0 0 0 0
disbursements 0 0 0 0 0
repayments 0 0 0 0 0
1.1.2 O/N certificates of deposit 7 061 23 521 11 456 -9 576 7 197
placements -470 407 -477 468 -500 989 -512 445 -502 869
redemptions 477 468 500 989 512 445 502 869 510 066
1.2 Tenders (scheduled, unscheduled) 0 0 0 7 030 0
1.2.1 Refinancing tenders 0 0 0 0 0
disbursements 0 0 0 165 0
repayments 0 0 0 -165 0
1.2.2 Tenders on placement of certificates of deposit 0 0 0 7 030 0
placements 0 0 0 0 0
redemptions 0 0 0 7 030 0
1.3 Other monetary policy operations -8 377 -7 079 -10 669 -7 205 -7 716
2. Autonomous factors -2 812 -5 919 938 9 871 3 418
2.1 Changes in the volume of cash 802 704 1 086 995 3 899
2.2. Effect of operations conducted by the STSU and the DGF -3 800 -7 094 -439 8 395 -672
2.3. Other operations 185 471 290 480 191


For reference

UAH mln

As of the beginning of the day 08.01
Refinancing of banks (principal outstanding balance) 32 155
O/N loans 0
tender loans 1 889
   of which: excluding insolvent banks and banks under liquidation 1 889
other loans 30 266
of which: excluding insolvent banks and banks under liquidation 0
NBU certificates of deposit (principal outstanding balance) 524 070
O/N certificates of deposit 477 468
certificates of deposit placed through tenders 46 602


UAH mln

As of the beginning of the day


Outstanding amounts held in Deposit Guarantee Fund's accounts with the National Bank of Ukraine

2 363


UAH mln

Reserve requirements held from 11.12.2024 to 10.01.2025

518 872
